Split-Ender is a unique and patented invention that has revolutionized hair care! Its unique design means that you can run it through your hair with a flick of the wrist, trimming only the frizzy, split ends that are the bane of any hairstyle. Split-Ender allows you to restore your hair to its former shine and smoothness without over-shortening! You can grow your hair in peace and take care of it comfortably while enjoying its length.

Features: definitely healthier looking hair, hair regains its former vitality ensures trimming only split ends, without losing length easy, fast and safe to use compared to scissors.

Importantly, the effect of this treatment is visible immediately afterwards. It will be comforting to regrowth sufferers (and thus often wrongly resigned to cutting off the ends) to know that the polishing procedure removes damaged hair without shortening its length. It is worth noting that this way of beautifying hair is safe, simple and accurate. If the procedure is performed by an experienced hairdresser, it is also a guarantee of getting beautiful hair in much better condition. Where in Gdansk, Gdynia or Sopot will you perform hair polishing treatment ? Of course, you will perform this treatment in our hair salon in Gdansk – PRIVE Beauty &Hair.

Price list
  • For Coloring 49 zł
  • Short 90 zł
  • Long 145 zł
  • Very Long Hair 160 zł