An EXCEPTIONAL PLACE created out of a passion for beauty

PRIVÉ Beauty & Hair is a beauty center created with passion. Our offerings include hairdressing, cosmetology and aesthetic medicine, as well as laser hair removal, blemish removal and much more. In the space of 300m² we guarantee the highest standard and comfort. In the heart of Gdansk, we have created a place that is an oasis of calm, where professionalism meets relaxation, providing our clients with not only beauty, but also a moment of relaxation.

Our offer

PRIVÉ Beauty & Hair in Gdansk is a clinic that offers a wide selection of specialized treatments carried out by experienced professionals in their fields.

Get to know us better.

We are leaders in taking care of your beauty

At PRIVÉ Beauty & Hair in Gdansk, we stand out for our innovative approach to beauty, ensuring the utmost comfort and satisfaction of our clients. Our advantage lies in using state-of-the-art equipment and offering solutions that are backed by years of research. We operate according to the highest standards of the aesthetic medicine, cosmetology, hairdressing and laser hair removal industries.

Our personalized approach and customer care are based on the latest scientific developments and clinical practice, which guarantees safety and effectiveness. The PRIVÉ Beauty & Hair team are experienced experts who present an exceptional standard of care to all clients.

In our offices, we emphasize enhancing natural beauty by providing a comfortable environment in our salon in Gdansk. Everyone will feel relaxed and well cared for with us – we guarantee it.

prive beauty and hair

Where to find us?