Acne vulgaris is a skin disease that mainly affects young people. The blackheads, papulopustular eruptions and purulent cysts that occur on the skin are the result of overactive sebaceous glands. Acne rosacea, is a severe erythema in the central part of the face, broken blood vessels, often also swelling, pimples and papules, accompanied by burning, itching and pinching sensations. Rosacea most often affects people over the age of 30.
Acne treatment in Gdansk carried out with the help of a laser effectively helps fight skin imperfections for both types of ailments. Compared to antibiotic therapies, our acne treatment therapy is completely non-invasive, as it does not burden the body. Each time, the cosmetologist selects the parameters of the treatment individually according to the complexity of the problem and the needs of the skin.
Acne Treatment Therapy consists of:
The IPL beam stimulates porphyrins produced by the acne bacteria Propionibacteriaceae to produce an oxygen compound that destroys them. The bacteria are distributed superficially in the ducts of the sebaceous glands. The light penetrates the tissue deeply enough to ensure adequate effectiveness and safety. RF current causes radiothermolysis and atrophy of the sebaceous glands. This reduces the level of sebaceous gland secretion.
IPL pulsed light destroys the anaerobic bacteria responsible for the formation and spread of acne erythema. Most importantly, reddened areas are removed on the principle of minimizing vascular lesions. The combination of these two aspects makes it possible to eliminate the problem altogether. From visual symptoms to the cause of skin imperfections.
WHAT TO DO AFTER THE THERAPY IS COMPLETED FOR ACNE SCARS? We also deal with the reduction of acne scars using methods such as:
1. can laser acne treatment be performed during the summer? There are no absolute contraindications to performing laser treatments during the summer. This type of treatment for real problems is performed throughout the year. However, if one decides to undergo the therapy, it is imperative to follow post-treatment recommendations, i.e. avoid the sun and use creams with a high sun protection factor (SPF 50). This is important because skin that lacks a protective layer is exposed to the negative effects of radiation. Exposure to the sun during treatment can cause discoloration, which is difficult to treat later.
2. how many treatments are needed to get rid of acne? It is extremely difficult to clearly determine the number of treatments needed to achieve a satisfactory result. The number of treatments depends primarily on the severity of the disease and the underlying cause. Usually, each treatment gives gradual improvement, so it is important to monitor the course of treatment and make consistent visits. Monitoring progress allows the specialist to respond appropriately to any reactions of the body and adjust the parameters and frequency according to the results obtained.
3. is it possible to take medication and undergo laser therapy at the same time? Unfortunately not, so it is important to make this decision consciously. Pharmacotherapy often precludes laser treatments and vice versa. Let’s decide with a specialist which therapy is right for us.
Wiązka IPL stymuluje porfiryny produkowane przez bakterie trądzikowe Propionibacteriaceae do wytwarzania związku tlenowego, który je niszczy. Bakterie rozmieszczone są powierzchniowo w kanałach gruczołów łojowych. Światło penetruje tkankę wystarczająco głęboko, aby zapewnić odpowiednią efektywność i bezpieczeństwo. Prąd RF powoduje radiotermolizę i atrofię gruczołów łojowych. Zmniejsza to poziom wydzielania gruczołów łojowych.
Światło pulsujące IPL niszczy beztlenowe bakterie odpowiadające za powstawanie i rozprzestrzenianie się rumienia trądzikowego. Co najważniejsze – obszary zaczerwienione są usuwane na zasadzie minimalizowania zmian naczyniowych. Połączenie tych dwóch aspektów pozwala na całkowite wyeliminowanie problemu. Od objawów wizualnych, po przyczynę występowania niedoskonałości skórnych.
Zajmujemy się również redukcją blizn po trądzikowych przy użyciu takich metod jak :
Dobierzemy odpowiednia terapię leczenia trądziku do twoich potrzeb jak i usuwania blizn po trądziku.
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