Peptide therapy for the treatment of hair loss by Dr. CYJ Hair Filler at PRIVE Gdańsk

This is an innovative treatment that inhibits hair loss and accelerates the regrowth of damaged hair by stimulating the circulation of hair follicles and revitalizing hair follicles. Hair loss therapy is designed for both men and women, regardless of the cause of hair loss – whether it is androgenetic alopecia or caused by stress, poor nutrition, frequent coloring or improper hair and scalp care.


What is the step-by-step procedure? Does it require preparation? Is the procedure painful?

The procedure does not require special preparation, only the day before and after the procedure is not recommended to drink alcohol. Treatment with DR. CYJ Hair Filler involves making a series of punctures into the scalp, reaching the superficial layers of the dermis. The procedure is virtually painless because, unlike mesotherapy, it requires fewer punctures. The cosmetologist administers a small amount of the product, making it less noticeable to the scalp.

What are the best methods to use to treat hair loss?

All hair loss treatments at PRIVE Clinic are selected after consultation with a cosmetologist.

  • Przeciwwskazania
  • kobiety w ciąży i karmiące, dzieci i nieletni poniżej 18 r. ż.
  • uczulenie na którykolwiek ze składników
  • zmiany skórne, choroby skóry
  • infekcje lub następstwa zakażeń paciorkowcami
  • przyjmowanie leków immunosupresyjnych
  • terapia sterydowa
  • choroby autoimmunologiczne
  • niewyrównana cukrzyca
  • choroby reumatyczne
  • powtarzające się anginy
  • zapalenie wsierdzia
Price list
  • 1 treatment 1ml 699 zł
  • 1 treatment 0.5 ml 599 zł
  • Package of 4 treatments 0.5 ml 1999 zł zamiast 2400 zł
  • Package of 4 treatments 1ml 2599 zł zamiast 2799 zł