Gdansk PCA Acids – Peelings for the Health of Your Skin

PCA Acid Cosmetics in Gdansk offers various types of chemical peels to reduce excess dead skin on the face. Each of these scrubs is specifically tailored to the individual needs of different skin types.

  • Sensi Peel is designed for particularly sensitive or sun-damaged skin. It strengthens, brightens the skin and has an antibacterial effect.

  • For dehydrated and mature skin, the revitalizing properties of the Ultra Peel, which evens out skin tone and texture, will be ideal.

Come in for a consultation so a cosmetologist can choose the right treatment for your skin.



  • Fine wrinkles
  • Scars (including acne)
  • Discoloration and pigmentary changes
  • Dilated pores
  • Sun-damaged skin


  • Active cancer
  • Persistent inflammation of the skin
  • Active herpes
  • A fresh tan on the skin
  • Allergy to the components of the preparations used
  • Irritation, damage or interrupted skin continuity
  • Skin allergies
  • Acne rosacea
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Retinoid therapy (must be discontinued at least 6 months prior to treatment)
  • Autoimmune diseases (such as collagenosis or pemphigus)
  • Sensory disturbances
  • Elevated body temperature
Price list
  • Discoloration 320 zł +
  • Anti-age 320 zł +
  • Acne rosacea 320 zł +
  • Scars 320 zł +
  • Acne 320 zł +