Injection lipolysis Gdansk

Injection lipolysis – An effective way to get rid of excess weight

Is it possible to get rid of excess weight effectively, effortlessly, and completely safely? Of course you can! And this is not another “miracle diet”, but a professional aesthetic medicine procedure. A quick loss of a few centimeters in the circumference of the waist or thighs is a good thing, because it is a very motivating start to regular care of the figure.

Injection lipolysis is nothing more than non-invasive body contouring involving the injection of a substance that causes fat cells to dissolve. An intentional and controlled mild inflammation of the fatty tissue is created at the injection site. “Swollen” cells burst, and the fat released from them passes into the blood, with which it travels to the liver, where it is broken down and then excreted from the body.

Injection lipolysis is a completely safe procedure, performed by a cosmetologist and requiring no special preparation from the patient. After injection, there is usually redness and swelling, sometimes bruising from needle punctures. The treated area becomes more sensitive to touch or pressure, and you may also experience itchy skin or mild pain. This reaction usually persists for several days after the procedure. The discomfort can be reduced by taking antihistamines and traditional painkillers.

The result of a series of lipolysis treatments is usually a loss of 4-5 cm in circumference at the injection site. For a small amount of body fat, 2-3 treatments are usually enough to achieve this. However, if the fatty tissue is dense and abundant, the number of treatments must be much higher. The interval between them should be 4 weeks. As a complementary therapy, we recommend lymphatic massage, which will accelerate the removal of fat from the cells and facilitate its transport through the lymphatic vessels.

In addition, in order to increase the effectiveness and accelerate the effect of destroying fat cells, we often combine the therapies with ENDERMOLOGY – CAVI LIPO Dex or the Impact Wave. Treatments are offered in favorable priced Packages. We set package prices for combined therapies individually, and they come out as much as 45% cheaper compared to a single treatment.


Injection lipolysis reviews

Lipolysis is a completely safe and inexpensive procedure performed by a cosmetologist. This is why patients are so curious about it. It is the most modern method in aesthetic medicine to get rid of fat permanently. Giving very fast as well as safe results results in patient satisfaction and positive feedback.

Lipolysis of the chin

Chin lipolysis is a non-surgical procedure to eliminate the second chin. It involves the injection of a preparation with phosphatidylcholine, a substance that dissolves fat cells, into the fatty tissue of the chin. The released fat then goes to the liver, and is then excreted from the body through metabolic processes.

  • Zalety
  • Miejsca zabiegu
  • Przeciwwskazania
  • Wskazania Po
  • po przeprowadzeniu wywiadu określane są miejsca nadmiaru tłuszczu i podaje się igłą preparat do tkanki tłuszczowej. zazwyczaj wykonuje się od 2 do 4 zabiegów. na rezultaty trzeba poczekać okoła miesiąca po zabiegu. w tym czasie należy odciążać wątrobę – spożywać lekkostrawne posiłki i pić dużo wody.
  • brzuch
  • podwójny podbródek
  • biodra
  • bryczesy
  • fałdy na plecach
  • okolica pośladkowa
  • wewnętrzna strona ud i kolan
  • tłuszczaki
  • inne okolice nadmaru tłuszczu, które trudno usunąć ćwiczeniami fizycznymi
  • choroby nerek i wątroby
  • nieuregulowana choroba tarczycy
  • zaburzenia krzepliwości krwi
  • stałe przyjmowanie leków rozrzedzających krew
  • nadmierna otyłość
  • ciąża i karmienie piersią
  • zaleca się picie dużej ilości wody mineralnej przez okres około tygodnia. po zabiegu skóra może być zaczerwieniona i tkliwa przy dotyku. obszary poddane zabiegowi można masować w celu przyśpieszenia efektu. bradzo przydatne jest zastosowanie masaży oraz zabiegów z falami radiowymi okolicy poddanej zabiegowi.
Price list


  • 5ml 350 zł
  • 10ml 600 zł
  • 15ml 750 zł
  • 20ml 900 zł
  • 25ml 1050 zł
  • 30ml 1200 zł
  • Injection lipolysis chin 350 zł